Sunday, January 23, 2011

First Rat Shot at Crane

Late yesterday morning, I got a call from Jim. He had just shot his first sage rat of the season in one of our shooting areas near Crane. In fact, within walking distance of his house. There is still some snow on the ground and he spotted a few more also.

When he called, I was on my way out to Xmas Valley to see if any rats were up there. Usually the Xmas Valley rats surface later than the ones at Crane. And sure enough, my wife and I scoped out all the fields between Fort Rock and Xmas Valley and never spotted one rat. However, we did ,during the course of the day, see 4 Yotes. No snow on the ground there. Just FYI, it is about 93 miles from Bend to Xmas Valley townsite.

Call me. Jerry at 541-420-5342 for info on renting a shooting chair at Crane, including a day shooting with our group. $65. Or you might check your local craigslist under sporting--sage rats. Check sage rat central often or sign up as a follower.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sage Rats Spotted Near Crane

Talked to friend Jim today and he reports that some of the locals have seen a rat or two up and running around. Nothing to shoot at yet though. Jim is starting to patrol the pivots we will be shooting in and wants to shoot a rat in Jan. The weather is starting to warm a little, at least here near Sisters.

Starting to get calls to rent a shooting rest ( on wheels ) at Crane this Spring. If you are thinking of renting a rest, give me a call and reserve a time. $65 a day including shooting with our group of rat killers.

Finished my SRAV this week, now just need some rats. In the meantime, I have been doing a little local surfing. See attached picture.

Monday, January 10, 2011

SRAV Stage 2

I have got my SRAV ( Sage Rat Assualt Vehicle) nearly finished. Just a couple of tactical decisions to be made, such as, where to mount my drink holder. ( Water, of course. ) There are shooting supports to my left and across the front. Had to place the uprights so as not to get in the way of steering. Also on the left side is a gun rack and mounted on the front rack, a storage crate with a lid and a holder for my speed loader ( tube feed). Then angled across the front are dual gun racks for my back up rifles. Between the handlebars is a pouch for holding my loose ammo for easy access. The rear rack is clear for holding a cooler, or I can bungee down extra coats or etc. And then, of course, is the fold down rear drop rack for hauling 2 shooting rests. All in all, I think I have it pretty well covered.

Jim and I have decided to start taking reservations for shooting rest rentals. First date available will be March 1st. No deposit required, just call with the dates you want to be there. Jerry at 541-420-5342

Thursday, January 6, 2011

First Stage SRAV

Here are some pictures of my current winter project. I call it my SRAV. Sage Rat Assualt Vehicle. I have built a folding carrying rack on the back to haul two of my "Ratrouster" shooting rest on wheels. It will fold up when not in use. Second stage will be a rifle rest in the front and LH side for shooting from the seat. The whole idea is to ride two up and go to the far side of the pivots to set up. Being an old guy, it is getting harder for me to walk any distance. Still struggling to get above freezing in Burns but looking out at my thermometer by my shop, which right now is in the sun, temp here near Sisters is 74. Farmers Almanac is calling for decent Spring weather. Lets hope so. Paint will follow when project is finished Jerry 541-420-5342

Monday, January 3, 2011

Rats In January?

Jim at Crane says the source of this information is reliable and from a local who knows the difference. A Sage Rat was spotted East of Burns, out on the snow, a couple of days ago. ?????

In the meantime, Jackrabbits are working over the haystacks in the Crane area. You have to have permission from the owner, but it is legal to spotlight the rabbits. Just be ready for some minus 0 temps.

Keep checking in. Last year we were shooting rats by mid to late Feb. Jim and I are renting shooting rests on wheels this year for $65 per day, including shooting with us and our rat killing group. Various models of shooting rests are for sale also. Check my earlier posts for pictures.