Saturday, April 25, 2009

Crane 4/19 - 4/23

Sage rat shooting is at it's peak right now. The young rats are up and stupid, allowing for some multiple kills with one shot. Some will come up so close that you can't even get a bead on them properly. The weather this last week started off great with no wind and temps around 80. Got some wind on Wed that made it a little difficult to stay on target, but my brother-in-law managed 287 confirmed kills. I took it a little easy and even napped for awhile and scored 127. Thurs AM the wind was blowing and cold. We hung in till about noon and then pulled out for home. I brought my trailer back this time and will probably start heading down to Xmas valley on day trips. Talked to some guys that were shooting Xmas Valley this week and they were into the rats big time. Biggest problem was the wind and dust.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Will Spring Ever Get Here ? Maybe Friday

Has snowed here at my house near Sisters for the last two days. Not sticking but the temp and wind has kept all but the hardiest inside. Saw a sage rat run behind my shop yesterday. I guess it is time to get the ole Gamo pellet rifle out. I shot 25 in my yard last year. The weather is supposed to get better from here on out with Friday getting near 65 and low 70s predicted for the weekend. Did I mention that it was 17 degrees here this morning. I will be heading to Crane Friday to meet with some old friends and shoot rats for a few days. Should be good. Check out my older blogs for hints on sucessful shooting and take a look at the shooting rests I build.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Silver Lake/Xmas Valley Rats

Just talked to a rancher friend near Silver Lake, and he said the rats were up. He thought that the females were down having first litters and that in 2-3 weeks the shooting would be really good. Xmas Valley, Fort Rock and Silver Lake would be on the same schedule. Check out my archive section on the pivoting rifle rests I build, and the proper procedures on the ranchers property. And, by the way. You don't have to pay to shoot sage rats. The ranchers that try to charge you are dreaming. Most will welcome you if you are a responsible shooter. Just don't screw up.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Snowing at Crane

My friend Bill just came by on his way home to the valley from Crane. He said it was snowing there this morning. Everyone left,in our group, scattered for home. Hope the weather is better next week.

At Crane, The Best Is Yet To Come

Spent Sunday PM and all day Monday out after sage rats at Crane. The temperature was OK but the wind just wouldn't let up. A little cool in the morning but not a factor in the low number of rats showing. We blamed it mostly on the wind and the fact ( we figured ) that the females were in the burrows having their litters. No small rats were showing yet. However, we had a great time. There were about 13 shooters at "rat camp" for the 3 days and the good times did roll. Guys rolled in from Montana,Idaho,Washington and one drove with his fifth wheel from Palm Springs. So 5 states were represented. I talked to Jim at Crane last night, the 8th, and it had rained hard most of the day so the remaining guys didn't even try to shoot. Right now I am trying to fill orders for my shooting rests. I am sold out of the ones on wheels. Check in my archives section here on the blog to look at them.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Crane 4/4/09

Just talked to Jim at Crane ( 5pm) Sat and wind is calm and rats are attacking the "rat camp" Jim says Kerby is trying to hold them off but is running low on ammo. Temp has been warm and it is supposed to be better tomorrow. I'm not waiting any longer. Heading out at dawn-0-30 in the morniing. I will be leading the reinforcements with 13 expected by tomorrow night. Look out rats, here we come.