Thursday, April 9, 2009

At Crane, The Best Is Yet To Come

Spent Sunday PM and all day Monday out after sage rats at Crane. The temperature was OK but the wind just wouldn't let up. A little cool in the morning but not a factor in the low number of rats showing. We blamed it mostly on the wind and the fact ( we figured ) that the females were in the burrows having their litters. No small rats were showing yet. However, we had a great time. There were about 13 shooters at "rat camp" for the 3 days and the good times did roll. Guys rolled in from Montana,Idaho,Washington and one drove with his fifth wheel from Palm Springs. So 5 states were represented. I talked to Jim at Crane last night, the 8th, and it had rained hard most of the day so the remaining guys didn't even try to shoot. Right now I am trying to fill orders for my shooting rests. I am sold out of the ones on wheels. Check in my archives section here on the blog to look at them.

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