Monday, April 26, 2010

Best shooting yet

I just returned from a 5 day rat shoot in Crane, Or. We had a little rain, a fair amount of sun and lots of wind. 2 of the days were perfect shooting days. First of the two days, we figured that the group or 8 shot around 1000 rats. Some of the bench shooters weren't direct counting, so we had to estimate on what those of us that always count had done. 5 of the 8 were shooting centerfire off bench tables. The second terrific day of shooting ( Sunday) saw 2 of us on the "Ratrousters" on wheels and 5 on benches. The 2 of us did just what the wheeled units are designed for. We went out to the pivot where no one had gotten to and got into virgin rat territory. In 6 hours of shooting with our .22s, Jim and I had 498 confirmed kills. ( Remember my rules on what is a "kill") The others got quite a few also but towards the end of the day, three of them saw what we were doing and came out with their .22s and shot offhand for about the last hour. That day had to produce around 1400 dead rats. One of the best days I can remember.


  1. Ok Who can I make contact with to go this memorial weekend. The place we were going to go has just called and stated that she is canceling everyone. She is up near senaca. my e-mail address is


  2. WOW 1400 dead rats? Holy THAT is a great day indeed. That does it. I"m giving up target shooting for good.
