Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sage Rats

Wow, a blog. Who would have thought this old guy, who still can't program his DVD recorder could ever get this far into computers. This blog is mostly to promote the pivoting rifle/shooter rest that I build as a hobby, but try to sell one now and again. I designed and built the first one ten years ago and have always been trying to improve them. I started out just building a pivot to mount on a bucket or whatever and kept trying new things until I hit upon the " ratrouster on wheels". The first one on wheels was a garden seat on wheels that had four small plastic wheels and you pulled it with the adjustable rifle rest. Then I hit on the idea of two wheels with a pull handle that would fold down out of the way for shooting. Then I incorporated a storage compartment with a hinged cover, that the pivot rest mounts on and " wallah " , I had created the most convient and portable shooting rest I had ever seen. I hesitate to claim "the Best on the market" because I'm sure I haven't seen everything on the market and I hate liars. The seat, pivot and adjustable vertical and horizontal bars are the basic unit and I currently sell it for $65. It will adapt to right or left hand shooters. This the base for all the models. If you buy one of these, you can mount it on anything you have handy that will work. Next step up includes a complete stand to mount the pivot on. Usually a modified chair base. Current price is an additional $15. Then the ultimate " Ratrouster on Wheels". Two wheels, storage compartment, hinged tow handle and the base pivot complete. Current selling price of $140, add $10 for a plastic chair seat. These prices are based on my costs of about 1 1/2 years ago and will probably go up when I purchase new materials. I will do my best to keep the blog updated. As you have probably figured out by now, the primary use for these rests is for sage rat shooting. I'm not sure how these blogs really work, so, if interested in more info, you can contact me at I am located near Sisters, Oregon and spend a lot of time in the Burns, Oregon area shooting rats as well as the area of Christmas Valley. It is my understanding that the rats are starting to show around Burns. Anybody hear anything?

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