Monday, May 31, 2010

Still Killin Rats

I thought it might be the end of the good shooting for this year, but I decided to head out to the ranch for a look. Besides, I knew there would be no crowds since only myself and one other guy are okeyed to shoot rats there. Well, the other guy was there with his old friend, so it was kind of crowded. The three of us had to share 1200 acres of pivots. We are allowed to take only one other shooter with us at a time. I elected, that day ( 5-30 ) to go by myself. Alfalfa was getting a little tall. My attached picture shows the height compared to a Pepsi bottle. The other guys were shooting off their 4 wheelers so I moved off to another pivot ( they got there first and had the pivot, loaded with rats ) to the East. I had my Hitch-Haul plugged into the receiver on the Excursion and had strapped my Ratrouster to it. I backed up to the field ( of course, driving on the Alfalfa now is to damaging ) and had a 180 degree plus field of swing plus some added elevation to see the rats easier. The weather was OK. Temp around 60, very light wind and just a few light sprinkles. One of the attached pictures shows a wind/dust funnel. After all, this is Central Oregon, so weatherwise, anything is possible. I did a little driving around as well on some of the ranch roads and took some shots from the rig when the opportunity presented itself. The pivots streach for some 5 miles and are all linked with maintained roads. I saw quite a few Antelope and even some young ones. By 4 o'clock it looked like the weather might sock in so I called it quits with 84 kills for the day. Now remember. I score kills by the "Ratrouster" method. I know some of you score by the " I musta killed method". In that case, I "musta" killed 350.

I'm sure some of you are trying to figure out where The ranch is and maybe some of you know. One of the requirements of me shooting there, by the ranch manager, is that I have to tell anyone I take out, do not contact the ranch manager and try to get on to shoot. He said the answer will be NO and he doesn't want to be bothered. Message delivered.

In the area you want to shoot, knock on doors and ask. Sometimes it pays off, bigtime. This last week, I talked to shooters from around Xmas Valley and the shooting was still pretty good.

I've been selling my Ratrouster pivoting shooter rests right along and because of the Sh***y weather have been making some more this Spring. Getting in lots of shop time, but no fishing. So I have a fair stock right now. I will keep up on any rat shooting info I come across and what fishing info I can. Check in often and comments are welcome.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Latest ( and probably last) Trip to Crane 2010

Looked like a break in the weather thie last week, so decided to give Crane one last chance for a rat shoot without wind. Stopped at " the ranch" on the way over to see how high the alfalfa was and wound up killing 129 while just passing thru. On leaving, I looked West to check traffic and saw a huge black plume of smoke. Wasn't very tall yet, so knowing something was amiss, I turned and headed back towards Bend. Sure enough, a tanker truck had rolled over and caught fire. ( See Pictures ) I talked to an eyewitness and he said the truck hit the other shoulder and over corrected and rolled. Second roll it caught on fire. I was surprised that the sage wasn't on fire. Unfortunatly, I think the driver was killed. Didn't hear for sure. On the way home I saw they were digging a huge pit for the cleanup.

That was Wednesday. I stayed thru noon on Friday and packed up the trailer and headed home. Weather was great but the alfalfa was growing fast and you had to find bare and dry spots to be able to see the rats. Still easy to get 100 kills a day but after 6 round trips to Crane and 24 days of shooting this spring, I was ready to call it good. There will be a couple of weeks of decent shooting after cutting. I am going to just make day trips to a closer location until it grows up high. In the meantime, I will unpack my boat and start fishing. A caller, about purchasing one of my " ratrouster" shooting rests was at Odell Lake and said the Koke bite was on there now.

Don't forget to go back thru my old posts for a look at the "ratrousters" and other Rat Info.

I'll keep posting on any shooting info I get and keep you up to date on my fishing success, or lack of it. By the way, to enlarge any of my photos, double click on them. Try enlarging the center pic to see how thick the rats were at "The Ranch".Bullseyes and tight lines.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

First Week In May, A Cold Windy Shoot

Drove to Crane on Monday morning with friends Gary, pulling a 32' toy hauler, and Jim, hauling a 11' camper. Luckly I was only driving my Excursion as the wind was crossway and on our quarter tail all the way. The prediction was for gusts to 50 and I beleive it. Arrived Crane about 12:30 and set up. Went out in the afternoon to check out the rats and found a few up in our favorite field. By up, I mean at least laying on the ground chewing on alfalfa shoots. Not much of a target, especially in a 40-50 mph wind. We got out our "ratrouster" shooting chairs and set up on the leeward side of my rig ( see attached picture). Notice the dust in the background. It settled in all around us a few minutes later, so we picked up and headed for camp.

The next morning, it was a little windy and 35 degrees. Wind chill-Brrrrr. Shot in one field till noon and moved to another for the PM shoot. About 3:30, the wind calmed down and I was in my T-shirt. Bill and I shot til 7pm. He had confirmed kills of 241 and I had 178. The other 3 had about as many, but they didn't count. Said it was easier to lie if there was no proof.

Next morning ( Wed) it was blowing hard again. We tried a little shooting,but, it was bitterly cold. Three of us pulled out after lunch and headed home and Bill and Ty stayed, The weather here near Sisters is nice with light wind this morning. I hope it is the same for the boys in Crane.