Monday, December 6, 2010

A Winter Update

If there were any rats up now, they would have to be on snowshoes. Drifts are 3 feet deep at Jim's place in Crane. But, looking ahead, Jim shot his first rat on Feb 2nd last year. So, possibly only 2 months until shooting. I made my first trip last year on Feb 16th. But if you recall, pictures from early last season show that shooting rats in Feb-March is not for everyone. It can be pretty cold and windy. Of course the wind is a 12 month occurence in that part of the counrty.

Right now, we are checking on the rabbit population over in the Catlow valley. Might try a trip pre-Xmas.

We have had an early winter here near Sisters. Not very harsh, but winter snow and temps. One of picts attached shows my shop this morning. I have been spending time in my shop when I can, mostly working on building " Ratrouster"shooting rests. Trying to get enough ahead so I won't have to spend any time this spring during shooting season building more.

Going to try a new approach this year with the "Ratrousters". I will have them for sale ( going to have to raise the prices on the ones on wheels ) but, I am also going to rent them out. Haven't worked out all the details yet, but a rental will include a day of rat shooting with our group. Jim and I are going to team up and should prove interesting. Watch here for further info or you can always call me at 542-420-5342.

On a personal note: Last summer I developed what looked like a cyst on my lower lip. Turned out to be mucosal melanoma ( cancer). It was removed and then Sept- Oct, I went thru 6 weeks of radiation treatments on the affected area. Dr said only a 10% chance of it returning, Also had a skin cancer spot removed from my old bald head. Also OK. Saw my heart Dr. last week and he said with my new pacer/defib device I was on cruise control and he would see me in a year. I just need to lose some weight now. UGH.

Around the first of last month, I fished Lake Billy Chinook for 4 days over 2 weeks. Limited on Kokanee every day.

More later as things happen. Let me know if anything is happening in your world. Hoping to get a few more followers this year so we can share rat shooting and fishing info.

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