Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Weather at Crane Looking Better

Looks like the weather is going to straighten up for at least a few days. Wednesday will still be a little windy but Thursday and Friday are predicted to be in the mid to high 60s. It will cool down some on Saturday but still OK ( according to the weather service ). My friend Les and I will head over on Wednesday AM and stay till Sunday. My computer is desk-bound so I won't be reporting again untill I get back. Any questions? Call me. Jerry

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Returned from Crane on Friday PM. We had gone over on Wednesday because our local weatherman had predicted a nice end to our workweek. What a dumbass dweb. We were probably the dumb ones for believing him in the first place. Any way, got in on Wed evening and got the trailer set up. My friend Ty was already there with his trailer.

Thursday morning we decided to make the rounds of pivots we usually shoot at, The ground is so soft that you don't dare get off the roads so we shot from the rigs. Broke for lunch and naps and went out again in the PM. All in all, we didn't probably kill 20 rats all day. They just don't like to be out in the cold wind. And it snowed some too.

Friday morning it was snowing but we decided to make our rounds again. Four guys and we didn't shoot more that 30 rounds. By noon the snow was blowing sideways and my buddy Ty, who had left earlier was in the middle of a whiteout near Burns. That was when we decided to pull the pin and cut our trip short by two days. The drive from Burns to Bend was mostly sunny but we drove into a headwind all the way home. Later Jim said he had gone back out in the afternoon and killed about 30 rats. When he called me this morning, he reported it had snowed all night and was still snowing at 8am with a buildup of 3 inches.

So the weatherman says, again, that it will clear up by this following Wednesday. Being gullible like I am, I will head back over next Wednesday and try it again. Hope he is right because we have some fellows coming over to rent some shooting chairs.

If you would like to rent a pivoting shooting chair, they are $65 per day and if you don't have a place to go out and shoot, we will take you out with our group of friends. Give me a call for more details, Jerry at 541-420-5342.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Endless Winter

Will Spring ever get here? Rats are up, even here near Sisters and Jim shoots rats every day at Crane. But, he shoots them from inside his truck because it is so cold, and sometimes windy, that you can't stand to be outside. A few of our shooter friends have gone to Crane to give it a try, but, most have only stayed a day or two and then headed home.
With fuel prices as high as they are, you don't want to make any wasted trips. Diesel in Bend is at $4.10. Ride sharing is the way to go. I postponed my trip this last week. Waiting for better weather. Supposed to get better the middle of next week.
Some of you that e-mailed and asked to be informed when the rats are up, well being "puter challenged", I put your e-mails in a folder where I can't get to. Duh me. Calling me is the best way to get info. 541-420-5342 Jerry

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Back from the near dead

Sorry about the gap in info on the rats, but have been under the weather with whatever this nagging cough is. Probably a terrorist planted virus. I have been in contact with Jim at Crane and he is killing rats at an alarming rate. As of yesterday, there still was about an inch of snow on the ground but it hasn't slowed down the rat invasion. If you are headed that way just remember that the weather is really fickle this time of year. Our group will start forming up around the 15th of this month, coming and going as time and weather allow.

I picked up a brick of 525 Federal 36 gr HP ( my favorite ) at Bi-Mart today for $14.97. Probably as cheap as you will find anywhere right now. Also, gas in Sisters is $3.55 and Diesel is $3.99. I don't know about you, but I am going to have to car-pool to Crane this year.

The Central Oregon Sports Show starts in Redmond on the 10th. A bunch of us

are going to meet there and plan and scheme our Spring outings. One of which will be to Wallowa Lake around the first of June, looking for a world record Kokanee.

Start looking for me at Crane around the 15th and on. Tan Excursion with a black roof rack and labeled " Ratrouster Sage Rat Central " See Ya in the Killing Fields. Dobe