Friday, March 18, 2011

Endless Winter

Will Spring ever get here? Rats are up, even here near Sisters and Jim shoots rats every day at Crane. But, he shoots them from inside his truck because it is so cold, and sometimes windy, that you can't stand to be outside. A few of our shooter friends have gone to Crane to give it a try, but, most have only stayed a day or two and then headed home.
With fuel prices as high as they are, you don't want to make any wasted trips. Diesel in Bend is at $4.10. Ride sharing is the way to go. I postponed my trip this last week. Waiting for better weather. Supposed to get better the middle of next week.
Some of you that e-mailed and asked to be informed when the rats are up, well being "puter challenged", I put your e-mails in a folder where I can't get to. Duh me. Calling me is the best way to get info. 541-420-5342 Jerry

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