Monday, June 8, 2009

Alfalfa Update

Sorry to be so lax about keeping up on the rat info. It's just that there isn't much going on right now. Talked to my friend Jim at Crane and he said it would probably be around the end of the month before they would start cutting. The alfalfa here around Sisters is about a foot high. Today I was out towards Terrrebonne and saw a few rats crossing the road. They are out there, just hidden in the grass. We have had PM thunder storms for the last two weeks, so it wouldn't be good to be out shooting anyway. I have heard some reports of a good rock chuck populations around. Finding suitabe fields or areas to shoot in are kind of scarce around here. I'm going to start Bass fishing tomorrow at Prineville Reservoir. The water temp should be about right. I am down to a couple of Shooter Rests for sale and have some people that are wanting to see them. Don't think I will be making any more this Summer unless I have a special order. I have a appt with the Dr on Thursday for a "Nuke stress test". Hope to find out what caused the minor heart attack a couple of weeks ago. Anybody finding any .22 ammo? None around here right now. Look for a fishing report tomorrow.

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