Friday, June 19, 2009

A Little Break in The Weather

Finally got a break in the weather this week. ( Over now. Rain showers,thunder and highs of only 65 predicted over the weekend.) Brother-in-law Scott and I took off for an ATV ride on Monday afternoon from my house and put on about 40 miles. Explored some unfamiliar roads and proceeded to get lost on our way back. Seems I took a wrong turn and although we had our GPS and a map, we found ourselves on several dead end roads and behind lots of blown down trees blocking us. Finally got back at 7 PM. Fun time though.

Then on Wednesday, I took my fried Les to Prineville Res for some bass fishing. Weather was great. We got fishing about 9am ( this time of year, bass sleep in ) and in about 30 minutes, my battery for the electric trolling motor ran out of juice. Yes, I had charged it. Just didn't hold. So, I had to drift along or use the big motor. Not real handy. We did manage to boat 25 bass ( all dinks) Les caught the largest. Weather is supposed to break out in a couple of days ( the weather forecasters always dangle that carrot out there) and if it does, I will be back out, doing what I do best.

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