Monday, April 26, 2010

Best shooting yet

I just returned from a 5 day rat shoot in Crane, Or. We had a little rain, a fair amount of sun and lots of wind. 2 of the days were perfect shooting days. First of the two days, we figured that the group or 8 shot around 1000 rats. Some of the bench shooters weren't direct counting, so we had to estimate on what those of us that always count had done. 5 of the 8 were shooting centerfire off bench tables. The second terrific day of shooting ( Sunday) saw 2 of us on the "Ratrousters" on wheels and 5 on benches. The 2 of us did just what the wheeled units are designed for. We went out to the pivot where no one had gotten to and got into virgin rat territory. In 6 hours of shooting with our .22s, Jim and I had 498 confirmed kills. ( Remember my rules on what is a "kill") The others got quite a few also but towards the end of the day, three of them saw what we were doing and came out with their .22s and shot offhand for about the last hour. That day had to produce around 1400 dead rats. One of the best days I can remember.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday Rat Shoot

Brother-in-law Scott and I headed out to "The Ranch" late in the morning and started shooting about 11:30. The rats seem to be up all day, so why get up early on Sunday. We shot in one pivot till 4 PM, killing 156. ( Check out the attached picture of a rat gut shot with a .17 HMR. Anything less, is not a kill according to the way we score kills.) 156 dead rats equals 2262 lbs of alfalfa saved for harvest. Added to the 100 kills I got on Friday,that means 3717 lbs of alfalfa saved in the two days. In the paper this morning, I saw some alfalfa hay for $110 per ton. So, we saved the rancher about $200. About the same amount I spent on fuel and ammo for the two days. Well, not really. Actually, I spent about half of that. Any way, Sunday was a great day. around 70 degrees and a little windy causing me to shoot below my average for the amount of ammo fired. Got home at 6 and caught the end of a neighborhood potluck dinner. All in all, a great day. Will probably head for Crane in a couple of days for a repeat of last years group from 3 states shoot. Bullseyes and tight lines. Dobe

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Finally, Some Nice Weather

Friday, was a great day for rat shooting. Sun, temp 65 and no wind. I drove out to some new shooting grounds for me and found lots of sage rats. No babies up in that area yet, so the best shooting is yet to come. Jumped up a herd of Antelope, about 50-60. I was by myself, so I just drove around and shot out the window using my .17HMR. I quit when I got to 100 kills. I know, that doesn't sound like many, but remember, I only count the ones that are laying there ready for the birds to feast on, and there were plenty of them doing just that when I left. If you can get the attached picture to full screen, the Antelope show up pretty good. Good Shooting

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Shooting on Private Property, A Reminder

Just a reminder on some guidelines on shooting on private property. Refer to my Blog of March 7th, 2009. Thanks

Three Things I shot At Crane

I arrived at Crane Tues morning to wind and cold. Jim and I shot from my Excursion at our old standby field. High temp was about 44 degrees. Thats where I scored my first kill of the MIRROR ON THE DRIVERS SIDE. If you are swinging on a rat while shooting out your window, make sure your rifle barrel, as well as your scope are clear of the mirror. I have proof that although you have a clear picture thru the scope, you may shoot the corner of the mirror.

Wednesday morning was clam and clear. I scored my second kill on a Badger at about 50yds with my .22. He was peeking over the top of a mound with the top part of his head showing from about the top of the nose up. Put one thru his left eye. Later in the PM we got out the pivoting shooter rest on wheels and treked out into a pivot about 300 yds where most shooters don't get to and cleaned up on the hardly shot at rats. That's where I got the third kill of note. My friend Jim is holding the first kill of the baby rats. Yes, THE BABY RATS ARE UP, and that means shooting will be hot and heavy from here on out. On Wednesday, the wind was calm and temp was 55. Perfect weather. Good Shooting.

Don't forget to check out Great Basin Sporting Goode in Hines. Tell Ron you saw it on Sage Rat Central.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Crane 3/27-3/31 A Cold,Windy Rat Shoot

Saturday was a travel day, and a nice one. Stopped at Chicky Res for lunch. Windy and cold. Water looked like a thick chocolate milkshake. Made a stop in Hines at Great Basin Sporting Goods ( more on that later) and then on down to Crane and set up my trailer. By then it was windy and late PM, so didn't try any shooting.

Sunday was windy and cold (43) so we shot out of the pickup. The wind was keeping a lot of rats down but we bagged quite a few.

Monday morning the wind had picked up and a lot of real estate

was changing hands. I drove into Burns and on the way back, a half of a manufactured home had been blown clean off the road and was just a pile of lumber and etc in the ditch. I knew the wind was bad, but later the radio said gusts were to 60 mph. We did find a field that was kind of protected and got in a little shooting. I had to reset the stab jacks on my trailer 5 times that day. The wind was rocking it and the jack pads kept digging holes.

Tuesday morning saw us looking out at 4 inches of fresh snow and it was still coming down. Still windy to 25 mph. Started to let up, so, being dedicated rat shooters like we are, we headed out to our spot. Beleive it or not, rats were up, although in limited numbers. We shot from the Excursion, like the day before with Bill shooting from the passenger side, out of the wind, and I assuming my position as tail gunner in the rear.

Wednesday morning. Another fresh 4 inches of snow and I decided to bag it. We were going to stay till Friday and Thursday was supposed to be better weather, but enough is enough. Headed home about 10 and hit hail, wind, snow,rain and every other kind of weather you can think of. I left my trailer and will go back at the first sign of decent weather.

Great Basin Sporting Goods is a fairly new store in Hines, owned by Ron and Kate Redding. It is located on the left as you enter Hines not to far past the truck stop. Ron has a cutout of a sage rat about 8 feet tall out front. The store is full of guns for sale and shooting supplies and they even have a wood stove to back up to, fresh coffee and usually cookies. Ron also repairs guns and conducts daily rats shoots. They are open 7 days a week and you can call 541-573-6197 for info. I highly recommend this as a "fer sure" stop if in the area.