Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1st Rat Report from Crane,Or

I just got off the phone from talking to Jim at Crane and he got out today and spotted 10 rats of which he killed 8. Not a bad ratio. Ten rats isn't many to brag about, but, as each day goes by a few more are showing, maybe setting the stage for an early start to the season. Time will tell.
There is still about an inch of snow on the ground and melting slow. It will also be a while yet before driving in the field will be OK. Way to soft yet and the ranchers don't need any more ruts to contend with.
For anybody shooting a 17 HMR, Bi-Mart has shells on sale, for $9.97 per box. They also have 10/22. 25 round clips on sale for $12.97. If the anti-gun nuts get their way, 25 round clips will be hard to get in awhile.
The weather in Eastern and Cenral Oregon is forecast to be clear and resonably warm for this time of year for the next week. If you are getting cabin fever it might be a good time to make a road trup and check out your favorite "go to " rat shooting area. Might even be some good fishing in some of the reservoirs that are open year round. At any rate, rat shooting should be up and running in about a month or so, giving us enough time to get all our gear ready. For me, that means by the time I leave, I will have 10 times what I need. Bullseyes & Tight Lines

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