Sunday, January 23, 2011

First Rat Shot at Crane

Late yesterday morning, I got a call from Jim. He had just shot his first sage rat of the season in one of our shooting areas near Crane. In fact, within walking distance of his house. There is still some snow on the ground and he spotted a few more also.

When he called, I was on my way out to Xmas Valley to see if any rats were up there. Usually the Xmas Valley rats surface later than the ones at Crane. And sure enough, my wife and I scoped out all the fields between Fort Rock and Xmas Valley and never spotted one rat. However, we did ,during the course of the day, see 4 Yotes. No snow on the ground there. Just FYI, it is about 93 miles from Bend to Xmas Valley townsite.

Call me. Jerry at 541-420-5342 for info on renting a shooting chair at Crane, including a day shooting with our group. $65. Or you might check your local craigslist under sporting--sage rats. Check sage rat central often or sign up as a follower.

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