LOCK AND LOAD! The sage rats are starting to come up. This afternoon, as I was driving just East of Sisters, I spotted my first sage rat of the year. I focused on the one to make sure I was not seeing things so didn't stop to count, but it was a sage rat for sure.
That prompted me to call my friend Jim over by Burns. He has spotted a few and even got a kill on one.
Last friday, I got out to sight in my Remington 552 s ( I've got 4 so if one jams, I just pick up another. I have them all sighted in for the same range. Get Ready, it won't be long now.
More later as I gather info.
WOW! Sage rats already. Guess I need to clean my weapons and get em dialed in. Spent quite a bit of time last couple seasons shooting Christmas Valley. I've yet to try Silver Lake or Burns as my cabin is in CV. I typically use the cabin just for falconry rabbit hunts and rat hunts. I rent it out to a small handful of responsible falconers. I wonder if there are any responsible rat shooters who'd be interested? Your benches look nice. I've built a few benches myself, but yours look much more portable. Nice job. I will definately keep tabs on your blog and add updates as I see rats when travling from Redding to CV. There are also rats (they call em squeeks) in far north CA. I always shoot there on my wat to Klamath Falls. Great blogsite! You need more followers who post comments!
We've heard rumors that lots of fields around CV and Fort Rock are being poisoned, and that it's hard to find sage rats where we've usually found them. Does anyone have any info about this?