Thursday, February 4, 2010

Won't be long now

Soon we will be through the first week of Feb and the weather forecast calls for next week to be warmer and sunny. Ever since xmas, the weather here in Central Oregon has been pretty mild. The rats will be up earlier farther East then in Xmas Valley area. I have observed this for several years now. I will be getting in touch with my Crane contacts over the weekend and will post any good news I have. Ammo seems to be readly available now, at least at the Bi-Mart stores for .22 and .17HMR. At any given time they may be out of a particilar brand but there has always been some kind in stock. I prefer the Federal Champion 36 gr jacketed HP and have only them to shoot this Spring. I now have several Pivoting Shooting Rests in stock for sale. Hope to sell some. ( Gas Money )

1 comment:

  1. Took a trip to CV for rat shoot last wen.5/5. Arrived about 10:30 to cold wind, snow flakes and no rats, afternoon things started to improve, at least the rats started popping up. Tried the .17 but too much wind for the 20 grainer so switched to the .223 and started sending rats to rat heaven. Did not keep track of kills but grandson and ol elk hunting buddy and I was having a high percentage of kills. Thursday morn was out at 7:30 and rats were up and so was the sun and very little wind, Shot untill 1:00 pm and sent a few hundred to rat heaven, was a very fun and rewarding day of rat shooting. Love the .17 when there is no wind. Sure would like to see post from others, what you are shooting and sucesses and ect. gerald,,,,Ratsmacker
