Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Crane Sage Rats 3/27 thru 3/30

Brrrrrr, cold and windy. That pretty much sums up the whole trip. Friday PM we were able to get out into he field and bust a few rats, but the wind and temp was not nice. Saturday was about the same, although I managed to stay out on the shooter rest all day and got a few rats. Of course, they don't think much of the wind and cold either, so the kill count was rather low. The wind really came up during the night. I thought the trailer was going to be blown right off the jacks. Rain was pelting dowm too and when we got up the next morning, we discovered that some had been snow. Temp 20 degrees. Wind still at about 25-30 mph. Hung around camp till about 10 and decided we could shoot from the rigs if any rats were up. As it turned out, the wind and cold kept us in the trucks but there were more rats than expected, so had a fair day shooting, given the conditions. Like always, the wind laid down about 6pm and when we left on Mondat morning it was sunny with no wind. I would say that the rat population is, right now, about average. About 2 weeks from now it should get really good, especially if the weather straightens out. On this last trip, I had my grandson and his step-dad along, so, it was a special trip for me. Confirmed kills ( see earlier post ) was 108 for me.

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