Sunday, March 22, 2009

RATS RATS RATS, Crane 3/16 thru 3/21

Rats Rats Rats everywhere. In the fields, in the sage and running across the road. When we left Bend on Monday, it was snowing hard and 3-4" was on the ground. Roads were just wet and by the time we got past Hampton Station, most of the roadside snow was gone. Dry pavement Burns to Crane. Tried to shoot during what was left of the PM but was to cold and rainy. But hey, the next day was better. Warmer with more sun and less wind and it improved every day thereafter. Our group at rat camp numbered 5-7 every day. We shot at a field that my friend Jim has a semi-exclusive access to and it was loaded. I shot 3 days with the Remington .22 and the last day I got out the .17HMR. Doesn't seem to matter what gun I shoot, the daily count on dead rats is about the same. Of course with the .17, I shoot up less ammo. You probably won't be impressed, but my 4 days count was 234 dead rats. Those kills are confirmed as defined in my earlier blog. According to what I was told, 150 sage rats will eat or destroy 1 ton of alfalfa in a season. So, I figured I earned my keep, so to speak, with the rancher. Of course, all my amigos claimed more kills than me. We all were using my pivoting shooting rests, which ups your kill ratio a lot. I will have some for rent at Crane ($10 a day) when I return over there. Best to make prior arrangements if you want one as cell phone service where I stay is nil. Call me for directions. 541-420-5342 The weather this week is supposed to be kind of iffy until about Friday. So, if it improves, I will head over on the 27th. I am putting up some pictures. I am the guy standing by my white Yukon. Look for it at Crane. Also, for you people unfamiliar with the area, there is lodging at Crystal Crane Hot Springs near Crane. Google them for info.


  1. thanks for the info and taking the time to set up the blog on sage rat shooting.......RJ

  2. I've started getting into the sage rat plugging idea. Looks like a good time and a sweet deal for everyone involved. If it's really true that 150 sage rats will destroy 1 ton of alfalfa in a season, then each sage rat is worth about $6-$10 bucks depending on what you account for. I figure that's a great deal, and 150 kills in a day is easily worth over $1000 for the rancher. Real cool. I may have to give you a call soon to see how to get started.
