Monday, March 1, 2010

Central Oregon Gun Show

I spent most of Saturday and Sunday at the Gun Show in Redmond showing my pivoting shooter rests as best as I could since there was no room left inside. I have never seen so many people at a Redmond gun show. About a 100 people were still lined up to get inside at noon on Saturday. I sold nada rests, but met some nice guys and had some good visits. ( Shout out to Gary and John from Eugene) Talked to guys from Rufus, Fossil and Burns. I didn't realize they would come from so far away. Although the turnout was large, I don't think sales were that good. On Sunday I talked to one of the larger gun vendors and he said they only sold 4 guns on Sat. Saw lots of guns being taken in by individuals, for sale. I think a lot were there to sell their guns or just look. On Sunday some idiot took in a loaded 9mm pistol and when trading it in, fired it into the floor and bounced up into a table.

The weather might be a little iffy this week ( always is in Central Oregon in the spring) so don't know if i will go out shooting or not. Jim called last night. He shot up 2.5 boxes of .17 mach 11 Sunday PM in about 3 hrs. Said rats were up "real good".

P.S Just a little FYI. Last time I checked in Burns, a brick of 525 .22 LR shells were $28.

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