Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Latest From Xmas Valley and Crane

Shooter friend drove to Crane on Monday and reported rats up, but a lot of 100 yd plus shots. Seemed that they were pretty skittish. Maybe shot a lot. Said he didn't see a lot of other shooters.

Another report from Max who drove to Xmas Valley. Dinsdale pivots are temporally closed for the next few weeks. No specific reason given or definate opening date. Said rats were kind of scarce but worth the 10 minute wait between shots. He knocked on doors and found another place to shoot. That's what you have to do. Looks like Sat will be a pretty nice day, but then wind and showers for the next few days, so says our local weather garu. ( Darts and blindfold)

Good luck, and let me know how you do.


  1. If all goes right I should be heading to Ft Rock this weekend to put a dent in the population. Will report back if this happens.

  2. Bobby and I spent 9 days in and around Crane/Burns shooting. The rats were up but I would agree that there were some long shots taken! We shot alot, and killed alot! You know you have shot alot when at the end of the day your shoulder is sore from a 22LR. It was kinda lousy to see the ever growing trend of places locked up by shooting leases. Come on, vermin is now getting to be the same as big game? a pay to hunt/shoot. Dang it! Oh well just got to move around and not be afraid to knock on doors and ask. And as always be respectful. Planning a another trip next month already
