Monday, March 1, 2010

Is this your first visit to Sage Rat Central?

Seems like I get a lot of new viewers here, which is good. I don't have all the info, but I try to keep up as best I can. Be sure and check all the previous posts. Especially if you are new to sage rat shooting. I have been shooting them little varmits for 60 years and maybe some of my hints and suggestions will be helpful to you. Sign up as a follower ( n0 Spam) and then be sure and comment and give your own suggestions and hints. Serious rat shooters are a brotherhood and should band together. And please, be a serious shooter. Get yourself a good, portable rest and shoot to kill. After all that is why the rancher let you onto his property. Count the kills. No one cares how many boxes of shells you shoot. Maybe you are just a poor shot with an itchy trigger finger. Thanks for stopping by. Ratrouster


  1. Great Info keep it coming. I've been shooting Sage Rats over in Ft Rock for 13 years now.

    I picked up a 17HMR at the end of last season and can wait for this year to pickup.

  2. So we've been hearing lots of rumors about sagerat poisoning in CV and Fortrock. Has anyone been having problems finding rats in the alphalpha fields in these areas?? This occured last May or June and was experienced by several long time sagerat hunters who grew up in the area.
